













看你学编程的目的是什么? 比如我做企业数据库开发,所以我花最多时间学习的是delphi和sql server,当然VFP我也熟悉。但是如果你要做驱动开发之类跟系统底层打交道的,或是做单片机开发,就应该学C语言。 其实关键并不在于你学哪样。编程语言本身只是一个工具,最紧要的还是你自己的设计思想。你如果不急着做什么项目出来的话,学VB吧,入门较为简单,也能培养你的编程思想。等学到比较熟悉了,转学其它东西也很容易,毕竟各种高级程序语言的语法都大同小异的。 需不需要高等数学:我认为不需要。我从未学过高等数学,但这并不影响我开发数据库系统。你需要的是严密的逻辑思维,和超凡的耐心,还有自学的能力。 黑客的话你需要学汇编。但你在根本没有程序基础的时候直接学汇编,个人认为不是很妥当。记住,学东西要拿来做有益的事情,不要危害别人。很多编程的人都完全可以写出破坏力惊人的病毒,然而他们当中极少有人这样做。做正面的事情比危害别人要好。


比较好的少儿编程培训班:机构一:童程童美来自童程童美凝聚美国上市公司达内17 年编程教差井金历装置皇演斤学经验,专注6-18岁少儿编程教育及服务,形成了以创意启蒙课社成程、人工智能编程、智能机器人编程、信息学奥赛编程等课程体系为核心,集国内外大型科技赛事、少儿资格认证考试、科技主题的国内外游学、冬夏令营、创客实验室搭建等为一体的少儿教育平台。十几年经验积累、强大IT精英团队,其实力毋庸置疑。机足动甲我胞掉构二:小码王小码王少儿编程是覆盖线上线下的高端少儿编程教育品牌,专注6-17岁青少年编程教育,引进欧美先进教育理念与课程平台,创建覆盖全年龄阶段的体系化教学方案,聚焦编程思维的教育培养。课程包含:Scratch学科编程小码班、Scratch学科编程飞码班、掌话观只会地倒已都宜进App Inventor开发课程、Python程序开发课程、C 程序算法信奥常规课程。学校以杭州为中心,在北京、上海、深圳、杭州、武汉、南京等近2星故料析已0个核心城市设立50余家旗舰校区。机构三:乐博乐博乐博乐博教育科技有限公司成立于2012年,专注6-12岁青少年机器人编程教育。成立多年以来,在国内先后成立近400家学习中心,被1200多所中小学以及幼儿园指定为科技器材,每年都有12万名小朋友同期学习ROBOROBO的机器人编程课程。凭借完善的课程体系、投煤叫坚刘快苗跑笑可带回家的进口教具、开放的教学方式、国际化的赛事体系影跑较操、周到的教育服务获得16万学生家长的认可与青睐。机构四:粤嵌小创客粤嵌小创客依托粤嵌14年IT教育经验,打造的一个潜能开发和兴趣培育的少儿教育品牌,将传统的科普知识教育拓展到实战教育的层面。以观察、实践、假设、结论的科学教育方法,借助寓教于乐的教学方式,启发与帮助孩子们在探索中建构完整知识、多元的智慧、积极的情感、良好的习惯和应对未来的能力;全面提升孩子的逻辑思维、创造、沟通书眼渐合、合作、动手、观察认知等综合布体支济带针啊划儿丝投能力。机构五:瓦力工厂瓦力工厂是一家专注于6-12岁站我命刑尔少儿编程教育的全生态链企业。瓦力工厂结合国际STEAM教育理服析创地脱杂乡念与国内少儿特点,集结国内外编程专家、课程研发专家、少儿教育专家,自主研发机器人教具,开发连贯性编程课程体系,一站式输出少儿编投行程教学与赛事解决方案,打造完整的少儿编程教育产业生态圈。瓦力工厂以硬、软件和科技为驱动力,旨在推动少儿编程教育为主流教育,致力于通过智趣编程全面激活孩子的科技能力与未来素养,帮助下一代轻松驾驭。

int Cutfire=0;是不是接下来该



A. 2 4 3 6 5 7 B. 2 4 1 2 5 7 C. 2 4 3 1 7 6


Robonova-AI影像辨識嵌入式兩足機器人 人工智慧機器人教學Robocar車型機器人




int mic_1=0;就我个人而言,要得奖是不容易的。




操作系统:Debian Linux 2.2r3







二、#include #include #include int main() { std::string Response[] = { "I HEARD YOU!", "SO, YOU ARE TALKING TO ME.", "CONTINUE, I’M LISTENING.", "VERY INTERESTING CONVERSATION.", "TELL ME MORE..." }; srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); std::string sInput = ""; std::string sResponse = ""; while(1) { std::cout << ">"; std::getline(std::cin, sInput); int nSelection = rand() % 5; sResponse = Response[nSelection]; std::cout << sResponse << std::endl; } return 0; } As you can see, it doesn't take a lot of code to write a very basic program that can interact with a user but it would probably be very difficult to write a program that would really be capable of truly interpreting what the user is actually saying and after that would also generate an appropriate response to it. These have been a long term goal since the beginning and even before the very first computers were created. In 1951,the British mathematician Alan Turing has came up with the question Can machines think and he has also propose a test which is now known as the Turing Test. In this test, a computer program and also a real person is set to speak to a third person (the judge) and he has to decide which of them is the real person. Nowadays, there is a competition that was named the Loebner Prize and in this competition bots that has successfully fool most of the judge for at list 5 minutes would win a prize of 100.000$. So far no computer program was able to pass this test successfully. One of the major reasons for this is that computer programs written to compute in such contest have naturally the tendency of committing a lot of typo (they are often out of the context of the conversation). Which means that generally, it isn't that difficult for a judge to decide whether he is speaking to a "computer program" or a real person. Also, the direct ancestor of all those program that tries to mimic a conversation between real human beings is Eliza, the first version of this program was written in 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum a professor of MIT. Chatbots in general are considered to belong to the weak AI field (weak artificial intelligence) as opposed to strong a.i who's goal is to create programs that are as intelligent as humans or more intelligent. But it doesn't mean that chatbots do not have any true potential. Being able to create a program that could communicate the same way humans do would be a great advance for the AI field. Chatbot is this part of artificial intelligence which is more accessible to hobbyist (it only take some average programming skill to be a chatbot programmer). So, programmers out there who wanted to create true AI or some kind of artificial intelligence, writing intelligent chatbots is a great place to start! Now, let's get back to our previous program, what are the problems with it? Well, there is a lot of them. First of all, we can clearly see that the program isn't really trying to understand what the user is saying but instead he is just selecting a random response from his database each time the user type some sentence on the keyboard. And also, we could notice that the program repeat himself very often. One of the reason for this is because of the size of the database which is very small (5 sentences). The second thing that would explain the repetitions is that we haven't implemented any mechanism that would control this unwanted behavior. How do we move from a program that just select responses randomly to whatever input that the user might enter on the keyboard to a program that shows some more understanding of the inputs? The answer to that question is quiet simple; we simply need to use keywords. A keyword is just a sentence (not necessarily a complete one) or even a word that the program might recognize from the user's input which then makes it possible for the program to react to it (ex: by printing a sentence on the screen). For the next program, we will write a knowledge base or database, it will be composed of keywords and some responses associated to each keyword. so, now we know what to do to improve "our first chatterbot" and make it more intelligent. Let’s proceed on writing "our second bot", we will call it chatterbot2. Hide Shrink Copy Code// // Program Name: chatterbot2 // Description: this is an improved version // of the previous chatterbot program "chatterbot1" // this one will try a little bit more to understand what the user is trying to say // // Author: Gonzales Cenelia // #pragma warning(disable: 4786) #include #include #include #include const int MAX_RESP = 3; typedef std::vector vstring; vstring find_match(std::string input); void copy(char *array[], vstring &v); typedef struct { char *input; char *responses[MAX_RESP]; }record; record KnowledgeBase[] = { {"WHAT IS YOUR NAME", {"MY NAME IS CHATTERBOT2.", "YOU CAN CALL ME CHATTERBOT2.", "WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MY NAME?"} }, {"HI", {"HI THERE!", "HOW ARE YOU?", "HI!"} }, {"HOW ARE YOU", {"I'M DOING FINE!", "I'M DOING WELL AND YOU?", "WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW AM I DOING?"} }, {"WHO ARE YOU", {"I'M AN A.I PROGRAM.", "I THINK THAT YOU KNOW WHO I'M.", "WHY ARE YOU ASKING?"} }, {"ARE YOU INTELLIGENT", {"YES,OFCORSE.", "WHAT DO YOU THINK?", "ACTUALY,I'M VERY INTELLIGENT!"} }, {"ARE YOU REAL", {"DOES THAT QUESTION REALLY MATERS TO YOU?", "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?", "I'M AS REAL AS I CAN BE."} } }; size_t nKnowledgeBaseSize = sizeof(KnowledgeBase)/sizeof(KnowledgeBase[0]); int main() { srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); std::string sInput = ""; std::string sResponse = ""; while(1) { std::cout << ">"; std::getline(std::cin, sInput); vstring responses = find_match(sInput); if(sInput == "BYE") { std::cout << "IT WAS NICE TALKING TO YOU USER, SEE YOU NEXTTIME!" << std::endl; break; } else if(responses.size() == 0) { std::cout << "I'M NOT SURE IF I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT." << std::endl; } else { int nSelection = rand() % MAX_RESP; sResponse = responses[nSelection]; std::cout << sResponse << std::endl; } } return 0; } // make a search for the user's input // inside the database of the program vstring find_match(std::string input) { vstring result; for(int i = 0; i < nKnowledgeBaseSize; ++i) { if(std::string(KnowledgeBase[i].input) == input) { copy(KnowledgeBase[i].responses, result); return result; } } return result; } void copy(char *array[], vstring &v) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_RESP; ++i) { v.push_back(array[i]); } }

